Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Please pray for Seth and Geny. He's in a rehab facility for teens. He ran away Sat. night and they didn't find him until Sunday afternoon. He was drinking and popping pills. Apparently this school year he has gotten mixed up with a horrible crowd and he so desperately wants to belong. The rehab place put him on antidepressants. I'm not sure how long he'll be there before he comes home or gets to come home or wants to come home. Geny thought putting him there would scare the crap out of him and make him wake up but nope. He's just mad. I don't know a whole lot of details just that my heart hurts for him and for Geny. Pray. Please pray

That is about the 4th or 5th request for prayer for a young person whom has STD, a drug problem, or rebelllous and breaking their parents hearts and so on...some one has to find
"the horns of the alter of God " and grab a hold of them....hold these before God.....That the Holy Spirit would begin to break down the walls and barriers ...for these that can't ..I'm not saying I'm the guy to do it
But my heart is heavy and I talk with Him (GOD ) for most of the day or try to at least. I see and know that HE does answer our prayers. "WE have not ...because we ask not"


  1. My heart was heavy for Seth and Geny last night. I was praying as I wen to bed and again the morning.

    Praying that God would wrap His arms around Seth and that Seth's heart would be softened and open to receive his love. Praying that Seth would wake up this morning and want something different for his life, that he would recognize his family's love and the he would seek the One who can truly be his friend.

  2. So glad to see you have a blog, Scott! I will bookmark it and check it often.


Will you pray?