Wednesday, November 4, 2009


Please pray for Seth and Geny. He's in a rehab facility for teens. He ran away Sat. night and they didn't find him until Sunday afternoon. He was drinking and popping pills. Apparently this school year he has gotten mixed up with a horrible crowd and he so desperately wants to belong. The rehab place put him on antidepressants. I'm not sure how long he'll be there before he comes home or gets to come home or wants to come home. Geny thought putting him there would scare the crap out of him and make him wake up but nope. He's just mad. I don't know a whole lot of details just that my heart hurts for him and for Geny. Pray. Please pray

That is about the 4th or 5th request for prayer for a young person whom has STD, a drug problem, or rebelllous and breaking their parents hearts and so on...some one has to find
"the horns of the alter of God " and grab a hold of them....hold these before God.....That the Holy Spirit would begin to break down the walls and barriers ...for these that can't ..I'm not saying I'm the guy to do it
But my heart is heavy and I talk with Him (GOD ) for most of the day or try to at least. I see and know that HE does answer our prayers. "WE have not ...because we ask not"

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Sending a Package??

Sending a package to Bangladesh has been an eye opening experience...$200 UPS,$175 Fed EX,USPS.. I would ..but he would never receive( Kims's mom already tried) it due to corruption, So I used SHIPNEX with is DHL international $68 ..I thought it was "the deal " ....A talk with Adam this morning only to find out that He still has to pay a "tax"...the DHL came to his leaders door and demanded that he pay $70 for the he did and Adam will pay him the money. I told Adam there is another package coming right behind mine from our church he will have to pay again. SO the package is causing a hard ship on Adam.. ADAM said "DON'T SEND ME ANY MORE PACKAGES"

I had asked Adam about the tax .." it's a goverment thing " ..I thought about it and prayed about it. The thought came to me ...What a bondage on the people of that country ! For those wanting,willing and able to send help ... yet the people cannot receive it If it is a goverment "thing ".the people can't afford to receive the things they need! ..then who controls the goverment? Adam spoke to me about the spiritual oppression there some time ago...How Satan has a "lock on that country " .

We not in a battle against flesh and blood! ( UPS,DHL,FED-EX USPS) but against principalities,against POWERS,against the Rulers of darkness of this world,against Spiritual Wickedness in High Places ! EPHESIANS 6:12

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Adam called this morning and we talked for 30 minutes.

He went into the slums of Dhaka and had an eye-opening experience. He said to begin with the smell is unreal or should I say the stench. He said about 5 communities live where one should be living and that entire families live in one room. Health care barely exits and the children are very malnourished. He said their legs look like match sticks. He saw one woman holding a baby that was so malnourished he wasn't sure the baby was alive.

He visited a clinic and they helped as best they could. He said it's like the movie, 'Slum Dog Millionaire' but there is no glamour. It's real life. The people are the poorest of the poor and are taken advantage of by the drug lords and whoever else chooses to take advantage of them. He said it was very heart wrenching.
He said he couldn't bring himself to eat after he got back. He had no appetite.
His money is almost gone. He has given a lot of it away. We are going to have to send more.
He has made lots of friends and he keeps quite busy. He said laundry is an all day affair and takes most the day on Saturday. He said the only thing he really misses is family. He does miss is privacy. Apparently Bengali people share everything and expect you to share too even conversations. He said he was calling me from the roof.
He is happy to be there and I have a feeling this is just the beginning of a very eventful life for Adam.


In 1960, Loren Cunningham started an organization with that idea expressed even in its name: Youth With A Mission. Today, Youth With A Mission (YWAM) has grown into one of the world's largest Christian mission organizations. How YWAM began and grew is a story of God's direction and God's grace in using ordinary people from countries all over the world.

Letters From Adam

Hello Everybody,
I just wanted to let you all know that I have arrived in Bangladesh safely and I have been enjoying my stay. I was a little nervous flying over here by myself, but I was able to meet different people along the way (plus I knew the Lord was with me). Before I boarded my flight to Dhaka, I was able to make an army of friends by a few elementary Bengali phrases and some mentos. By the time I got to my seat on the plane I had dished out about a half dozen high-5s, it was pretty cool.

I am staying at a nice base here just outside the capital and it is very comfortable. School has been postponed until the 8th to give some students more time to get here, however I am happy I got here early, it has given me time to get adjusted and familiar with some names and faces.

I am bunking next to the cook and he has been wonderful company, we did some gardening the other day and he is quite the crack up, it appears he knows American actors pretty well.

The food has been great thus far and I am taking advantage of the opportunity to eat with my hands. I played soccer yesterday with some of the locals and it was quite the experience.

It's amazing to see how the simple things in life make it worthwhile, yet I reflect on the insignificant things I often get caught up in. Who knew smiles and playing with tops could bring so much fellowship with one another.

I have learned that we have a Pakistani student coming tomorrow and I look forward to building a relationship with him. I'm sure he has quite a testimony seeing how his father is an imam (Islamic teacher/preacher).

I went to a little Baptist Church around the corner from the base this morning and it was good to recognize some of the soccer players. I am thinking and praying for you all as I am sure you are all doing the same for me.

God Bless,