Adam's world has taken him to northern Bangladesh where he has been on a team with 6 or so others , none of whom speak much English. My thoughts take me to the time he called awhile back telling me of how he met two men from Pakistan on a path one day."They were tall ...a lot taller,with long faces" he said "and they knew I was an American" . They said "Let us have the American and take him with us we will show him a thing or two" then one of Adam's friends said "You come with us and we will show you about JESUS" Adam said he will never forget that encounter.
Another story from him : Many of the children have potato sacks in which they carry all of their belongings in..In northern Bangladesh it has been very cold and many are dying. Adam said early one morning he saw a girl wrapped up in "the sacks" with one even over her head. The girl had no home, her mother was the towns drug addict. Adam took off his coat and gave it to her. I asked Adam how he is staying warm. He said he wears two sweatshirts instead of one now.
Somehow to be there .. give your all ...and now give his heart as he is planning to marry a girl (a pastor's daughter) from there. He met her the last time he was there and they have stayed in touch the last few years of his collage life. He said he wants to be a long term missionary there and start a ministry there ." Gods ways are not our ways "Isaiah 55:8 they are much higher and we have to put aside our feelings , desires and wants and try to step on "higher ground". Adam asked for us to write a letter. So here I share Kim and my thoughts on the matter:
My wife (Kim) and I have prayed for Adam through the years that the Lord would protect Adam and He has done so.
We have also prayed that he would make it through college and Adam did.
We have have prayed for Adam's heart to be of one that searches for God, that he would grow up and want to serve our Lord Jesus Christ .
I believe He has heard and answered our prayers.
We have prayed that the Lord would send to Adam a " helpmate, " a Godly women that would challenge Adam but also encourage Him as he seeks the Lord all the days of his life.
The Lord now seems to have led Adam to Eithe. (spelling?)If Adam's heart feels that she is the one whom the Lord has put into place for him, we welcome her into our family ! as the Lord has blessed us as well!
She will be accepted and loved as one of our own. Kim and I will do anything in our power to support , care for, guide and direct the both of them.
As a marrige is just not between two people, but also bringing two families together.
They to will become a part of our extended family and we look forward to the day we can all come together as one.
With Love and prayers in our Lord Jesus Christ ...
Scott & Kim Kilander