Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Healer

The phone rings at 5:30 AM...usually on Sunday ..It's Adam asking if he woke us up's 7;30 Sunday nite where he lives...He proceeds to tell us how his week went, they all went on a retreat about 2 1/2 hours away which means about a 20 min. drive going across the capital city of Dahka where here spent 4 days in study and in workshops with about 100 other Christians from all over...some from Youth for Christ,Wycliff Bible Translators,YWAM, etc....He said "it was unreal!Experience of a lifetime"

He also spoke of how a week ago the theme for the week was Evangelism...A man from England was teaching them how to share Jesus...then they went to a University which was 95% Muslem and they began to speak and give testimonies ...Adam said he was on the prayer team and He and a few others just prayed..ALL DAY..He said a man carrying a basket of snacks for sell on his head asked Jesus into his heart that day...Oh.... PTL !

He spoke of the people there ..How they have cans of Coke-Cola,Pepsi, Singer sewing machines all from the west but have never heard of the Gospel of Yoesef (Jesus)...????
Keep Him in your prayers as the Lord leads to which Country opens for him to go to the next 2 months...India,Bangladesh or Cambodia.

God is doing a wonderful work all around me..answering so many prayers!
Jan Bement had a miracle recovery.
Mariah is now eating and doing great!
I have been given a job...remodeling a home
Many lives are being changed and a " NEW FIRE " in their lives for the things of God.

God has been blessing me everyday with answers to my prayers..building FAITH and even a stronger TRUST than ever before and yet more requests have begun to pour into my life & heart ...
So I encourage you pray..just talk with God...begin to pour your heart out to HIM or perhaps..Jesus help me, I need you .

And HE... ...The Great Healer ..comes.

Psalms 103;3
"Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who healeth all thy diseases"


1 comment:

  1. What an amazing report from Adam. How great it is that he is able to be in touch and fill you in with what he's doing. My 5th grade class recently read a "Time For Kids" magazine, and the cover story was of boats in Bangladesh that serve as schools, hospitals, etc...due to excessive flooding. I told my students about Adam being there, and many asked why he was there, and I told them!! Very cool!


Will you pray?